Haiti: President Preval Has Some DOUBTS about the OAS Election Report

I just read an article on Reuters that says... Oh Wi... President Preval has "RESERVATIONS" over OAS vote report... LOL... Se konnen moun sa yo pa konnen "RESERVATION" an Haiti se le-w achte ticket ou pou-w pati...

Mezanmi... A la de koze...

Piga Haitien al panse se rezevasyon Preval fe pou-l pati kite peyi-a non!


Even I had to look that up because I really wanted to know what RESERVATION they are talking about.

Here's what I found out...
There's something called "Mental Reservation," it means....

"an unstated doubt that prevents you from accepting something wholeheartedly"

So in other words... Ou pa dako men-w paka di anyen! LOL....

Haitian President Rene Preval has "unstated doubts" about the OAS election report... and it's preventing him from "accepting IT wholeheartedly"

Isn't this easier to understand?

Of course the president has doubts... After all, the Organisation of American States (OAS) wants him to drop Jude Celestin from the race, his own political party's presidential candidate.

Ou patap gen "RESERVATION" tou si ou te nan plas preval? LOL...

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Wily says...

BON, dapre mwen ayiti pa bezwen yon prezidan anko, li ta dwe genyen yon

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Zac says...

In the language of facebook " i like" or i agree with everything you just

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Ronald Altieri says...

Bonjour Monsieur St. Fleur,

Excuse la grammaire, je t'en prie.

Alore tu as dis que "Le president haitien Rene Preval ne devrait pas tenir compte

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Henri-claude Saint-fleur says...

La Madeleine, France, le 15 janvier

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Rudy Etienne says...

My only comment on the subject is: Mr Preident Preval, if you didn't want the truth, you should have never invited foreigners to sort out the dirt in the first place.

Once again, the Haitian people got the short end of the stick and it happened under your watch...Now deal with it...The election result should have been "honest" in the first place...remember the last election?

It's only been five years ago. I rooted for you but I should have known

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Jocelyne says...

Let's him go we don't need him anymore in haiti it time we recieved to much critized from other country because

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Patricia says...

Good job! the police arrested 13 people that they paid to kill the haitians people to create fear in PAP today; since they know about the new election result, but God was watching! praise the Lord Haiti will breathe again.Let's mobilize in prayer that's the only way we will have the victory because the enemy is furious.

God bless

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Ronald Altieri says...

Salut Mr.St. Fleur,

Merci pour ton article, il faut toujours plusieurs angles pour qu'on puisse visualizer un peut plus claire la verite - si c'est totallement possible.

Et bien, on peut allonger sur cet sujet, mais de rester en place et penser sur l'essence du sujet serait plus avantageux pour notre morale et notre mentalite - je pense.

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Christophe.estriplet says...

Politik dwa te goch sa yo, ki ap fet an AYITI depi lontan.


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Henri-claude Saint-fleur says...

La Madeleine, France, le 14 janvier 2011



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