Haiti Elections 2010 Poll Results Sept 30, Manigat Leads!

A recent poll suggest that Mirlande Manigat is in the lead in the 2010 Haiti Presidential campaigns. Find out who made the top five.

Here are the polling results according to a Miami Radio program, Bonjour Haiti, hosted by Elizabeth Guerin, Nikimix and Philippe Rene:

  1. Mirlande Manigat at 20+ percent
  2. Charles Henry Baker
  3. Michel Martelly
  4. Tie... Chavannes Jeune and Jude Celestin

The poll suggest, the radio program says, that all the other candidates had less than a 2% rating.

NOTE: I don't know who conducted this poll or where it was conducted, I am just sharing with you something I heard on the radio.

Philippe, the radio host, did say that about 6,000 people were polled.

If you are aware of any official polls about the 2010 Haitian presidential campaign, please reply and share it with us.

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Ronald Altieri says...

Does anyone have any ideas on what Mrs. Manigat has in mind in regard to moving the Education System of Haiti forward.

And is there anything at all concerning anything that she has said or written in relation to improving our Constitutuion - afterall she is an international scholar in the domains of Education and Democartic Constitutions.

Does anyone have anything at all that is concrete on where she stands on those on those issues?

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Marika1955 says...

Hi forum! we wish to advise everyone!! Dannywhiteloancompany association does not exist, cheaters! Unfortunately, we fell for them. Credit is claimed.

Asked for 150 USD, as great as when we paid some-more as great as some-more income is requested.

Meanwhile, we done a large foolish as well. we sent a duplicate of your ID cards can have my bank comment given a bank’s pleadings.

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Jean Pierre Alexandre says...

Marika, this is hungarian, if i understand! there is a fraud going on out there with western union?

Some nigerian bank

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Danny White Loan Company says...

Bon jou,

Mwen se yon

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Sergo Jean says...

mwen tre contan ou connen peyi se peyi nou tout li ye.Nou tout gen dwa politik e ke pies moun pa ka retire li nan men nou.ou gen dwa pou chwazi yon candida mwen gen menm dwa sa tou avec respe yon pou lot.Sel moun mwen te chwazi o comanseman se te Wyclef pou prezidan Haiti, pat gen lot Candida, Apre yo bal cane mwen chwazi Myrlande Manigat, Rezon mwen panse li se yon nan moun ki ka panse pe tet pou peyi ka avanse ve lavan, paske li fe prev li an tan ke fanm honet nan peyi ya ki gen yon sel mari. ki pa melanje nan dil drog ou byen zak malfecte an Haiti.Mwen te chwazi Wyclef paske li jen epi kom yon moun ki reusi an tan ke imigran nan yon gro peyi san li pa melanje nan zak malonet, drog,anpil fi, san li pa janm renonse nasyonalite li an tan ke Ayisyen.epi le yon bagay pase li se premie moun ki kanpe pou Haiti aletranje ke se drapo Haiti ya ou lot bagay.Lot neg sa yo wap pale la di mwen ki kote yo kanpe pou peyi ya, sof le yo bezwen pouvoi, an 1986 Le nou te kanpe nan vil Jacmel kont Jean Claude Duvalier se pat pouvoi nou te bezwen, nou te vle yon chanjman nan peyi ya.Lide Port-au -Prince yo fe chwa de yon pret an 1990 pou vin prezidan Haiti san consulte moun ki te nan tet mouvman nan vil provens yo.ki vin prodwi yon pil mandian san one, ki kraze vale nou Ayisyen nou te genyen sou sene intenasyonal la, sof ke yo vin konnen nou kom mandian ki toujou ap plenyen bay lot moun pou ed.Peyi Haiti plen kob ladan e nou domi sou yo chak jou men nou pa konnen ki jan pou utize resous sa yo nou genyen sof nou konn divize moun.tout peyi rich ou we yo se resous umen yo gen lakay yo, yo develope, respe lot moun, ide,yo pataje vizyon yo genyen yon ac lot.se pa di yo di moun sa pi bon pase moun sa. Baker paret sou sen politik la loske ou we yo pat vle Aristide sou pouvoi ki mennen ni an Afrique du Sud.menm neg sa ki te banou Preval tafiate, Yvon Neptune chofe taxi ki te rele pep la minorite zwit.tout neg sa yo pat la sof Aristide ki te pret St.Jean Bosco ki pat yon lide Politik ki vin bawou Haiti sa ou we la. kounie Nou Ayisyen gen posibilite pou chwazi lide pou dirije Haiti, ou bien nou Chwazi menm kout emosyon nou te konn genyen avan yo loske nou tap pran lide pou di makout pa ladan, ou petet nou pral di chime pa ladan, lavalas,preval, zenglendo,kidnape, drog dile.Mwen kwe li se moman pou nou chwazi yon moun ki se yon lide, ki ka pran konsey, reconet tout ayisyen se ayisyen, ede yo pou respecte la lwa, creye travay pou tout moun san li pa bezwen konnen nan ki pati politic ou afecte ou bien a ki group ou apateni.Afe lajan wap pale ke Myrlande resevra mwen pa konn anyen de zafe sa, sof ke mwen kwe ke gouveneman ayisyen an doue tout kandida kob epi securite le yap fe kanpay se sa lwa peyi a di.epi lajan se lajan ki vote pa palmante ke pep la te chwazi pou fe travay sa.mwen pa pale sa mwen pa konnen si mwen pa gen prev.kom ou gen prev ou menm al kanpe avec prev sa nan radio, televizyon an Haiti pou ka di pep la Baker se meye candida paske li pa pran million nan men Preval depi pep la we sa lap fe yon Chwa ant Myrlande ou bien

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Dieufaite St. Fleur says...

Ah Sergo, pou ki sa wap pouse madan Manigat la. Ou konnen tro bien mem ke madan Manigat nan kohoots avek Preval.

Ou konnen tro bien gen yon kestyon de 800 million de dollar avek madan Maniga e ou konnen tou gen ou kestyon de bel machine ke Preval te bay Madan Manigat e gen lot lot bagay toujou.

Ou gen konsyans ap pale de Madam sa poul ta vin Presiden.

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Joey001 says...

Fok nou di verite, eske nou ka aksepte kontinye plonje na twou manti, rayisman, koripsyon?


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Alister Wm Macintyre says...

See my other thread regarding Polls, where I identify the places conducting the polls, with urls.

The Brides Poll (with break down by department, major city, etc. which had totally different results in different cities) did have
* Manigat leading overall nation at

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Miggy says...

Question yourself friend.

What have the people who claimed " they do politic best" have done for the country?

Please name some social programs, social services and their impacts.

What lives have they changed or transformed?

My answer "None"!

What's yours?

Please stop

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