Haiti - Duly Brutus: Now is not the Time for Haitians to create problems with Foreigners

In regards to all the tension building up in Haiti vs. the Dominican Republic, Haiti Foreign Minister says: "Now is not the time us Haitians to be creating confrontations with any other foreign people in the world... We are a peaceful society, we respect human rights, we have to do what whatever it takes to respect the rights of all foreigners within our country..."

KREYOL: Haiti - Minis afè Etranjè Duly Brutus di se pa konyea pou pèp Haitien an rantre nan batay ak lòt pèp nan mond lan... Nou se yon pèp sivilize an nou tout respekte dwa tout etranje ki ap viv sou teritwa peyi d'Haiti... Kisa-w panse de sa?

Since the hanging a Haitian citizen in Santiago weeks ago, tension between the two countries have been escalating. Duly Brutus plans to fix that.

Diplomatic Chanel is the best way to resolve problems between Haitians and Dominicans, Duly Brutus says

The chancellor will meet with Dominican Foreign Minister Andrés Navarro in Guatemala in the coming days.

What do you think about that?

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Proud To Be Haitian says...

You see, I do not have to copy and past because my brain function very-well; therefore, I can process what I read and make an accurate conclusion.

I succeeded my second grade class years ago. If know what I mean. You full of

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Proud To Be Haitian says...

Also, Ricart, Brutus is not dancing around or a Dominican kid however you want your brain to process what he stated.

Keep showing your ass and that is proving how arrogant and incompetent you are. You in desperate need of these two words "reading comprehension" let me reiterate what he said: it is not the time for Haitian to create problem with foreigners.

Because You have reading comprehension difficulty, you take his statement for your own advantage.

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Proud To Be Haitian says...

Tell me one good reason why would somebody with big brain searching for attention from a complete idiot like you. I am not assuming your whereabout and don't really care if you are a street thug or whatever although you seem very interesting in mine. So what if I am in Haiti, Haiti is my country, and I'm very proud of being Haitian.

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Ricart says...

Oh oh, the college-boy from Miami, New York, Paris, Punta Cana, whatever (he could be in any of those places, except Haiti), is yearning for my attention.

He's also longing for those good ol days when his hero Duvalier was in power and his family was living it up at the expense of poor

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Ricart says...

Dominicans got the new kid on the block (Duly Brutus) and the gogo-dancer that Haiti has for president, bowing-down to DR and acquiescing to our demands that our embassies be

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Proud To Be Haitian says...

Stop copy and past, you need to learn how to utilize your thought process, and that can certainly makes you sound a real smart and intelligent person instead of throwing yourself in every discussions with you

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Proud To Be Haitian says...

Ok Ricart, you are wasting your time writing shit that people had already heard of. Do you think that you're the only one have access to the Internet and can read what is going on between the two lands: Haiti and DR?

You are Stupid, idiot, and an arrogant.

Haitians do not need your reiterations but your stupid brain is telling you reiterate reiterate so you can feel important about yourself.

Get lost! Intellectual my

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Ricart says...

Haiti asks curb violence against Haitians in DR

Source: listindiario.com/la-republica/2015/3/6...

Haitian President Michel Martelly urged Dominican Republic authorities to take steps to end the alleged violence against Haitians living in this country, while condemned attacks that occurred in Haiti Dominican interests.

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Proud To Be Haitian says...

Ricart, you are talking about voodoo, Duvalier, Haiti cannot do this and that blah blah. What is your point?

I would like to know what exactly that your are trying to prove about Haiti.

As an intellectual that you claim you are and all you doing is putting shit about Haiti.

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Proud To Be Haitian says...

Ricart, I know you would take what I wrote earlier in your advantage but the deal is I don't give a F. Like I said, I will hit my keyboard however but people will get my point.

Unless you, who is claiming to be an intellectual but can't understand a simple writing.

How stupid is that?

If you want, we can take a test together.

You can never be my

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