Did you know about the Wikileaks Cable on Jean Bertrand Aristide?

Jean Bertrand Aristide is on his way back to Haiti and I just found out about a Wikileaks cable from the Brazilian Embassy released on January 2011 stating that...

"Aristide must not be allowed back into Haitian politics under any circumstances... Aristide is a criminal who should be prosecuted, but still a powerful 'shadow' over Haiti that inspires both terror and ill-founded hopes among many..."

That's a powerful statement!

Why do they want him to stay away?

Politics or not... Aristide is coming home...

Is there anyone out there... by that I mean foreign powers... who favor the idea of Aristide coming back to Haiti?

We heard that Obama even made some phone calls to delay his trip...

Is it me or did Aristide bully his way back home?

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Noel says...

Remember tete cale need peace reconciliation for all sister, brothers; have different vision pou Haiti

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Paule says...

ce yon leadre vre pou li tounen li signin tout ca yo mandel mem manman si yo te mandel li tap

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Lisentibon says...

You spoke very well Dr.D, You should know that i am still a little pissed at Titid, he had a chance to do something great for Haiti and blew it by not knowing how to deal with other key brokers; you would expect a priest would know better.

He could have presented his case against France to the United Nations, for example.

Anyway! I agree with you, it is time to get along to move along.

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Dr. D says...

I am so sorry Sir, you dont seem to understand my point, I wasnt talking about that money.

every time Aristide come to power the international would put an embargo against him, so the stop him from doing much for the of haiti.

You know, the other day, I was thinking about something.

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Jean Pierre Alexandre says...

Se pou yo jige msie pou san ti bebe yo ak tou't so-ann.
San ti bebe sa yo pa dwe koule an vin.
Malediksion gin pou tonbe sou dlo

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Lisentibon says...

This lady is a liar she should be burnedl for the liar she

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The Dark Knight says...

I just hope his daughters don't hear about the baby of Nanoune Myrtil that some people said he ate as a newborn in a ceremony of his 34th Degree as a head member of the Dark Knights, because it is all a

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Nancy says...

Criminal charges have just been filed against Aristide, do you think he will end up in jail?

Do you think that the authorities should take him in for questioning?

Read the story below.

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Lisentibon says...

FYI - Aristide signed on to the embargo of Bill Clinton's administration, in order to force the military to step down. He could have dealt with the Haitian Army, but he wanted to eliminate them by applauding the embargo with his signature and heartbeat.

Soon after, Aristide also got together with the OAS at the time to make certain that embargo was being enforced, because the republican was questioning its legitimacy.

Aristide and his partners collected between 200 and 300 million US dollars from the diaspora, US Churches and world companies under his Cooporative agenda, and no one knows what happened to that money.

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Dr. D says...

Hello it's me again, I forgot to respond to one of critics., Aristide would have change Cite Soleil if the Rat Race did not put an embargo on his government.

I dont even think that you even know Cite Soleil, you're just talking.

Aristide had done more than even any government of the past 50 years.

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