A Haiti Transitional Government After 7 Fevrier? Preval Says No!

QUESTION - With all the chaos surrounding the 2010 presidential elections, will Haiti have a) a president, b) a transitional Government or c) an emergency three-month extension to Preval's mandate? HINT... President Preval doesn't like option B...

President Preval warns against a transitional Haiti government.

According an AFP article, Preval's comments, which come in the wake of disputed presidential elections, raised the possibility he may seek an emergency three-month extension to his mandate.

If you recall earlier this year, an extension to Preval's term was considered as a possibility by his government.

President Preval says...

"It would not be good for the country's stability and reconstruction to enter a transitional government... My goal as president has been that when I leave, I am replaced by an elected president and an elected parliament is in place."

Does that mean that President Preval will leave office on 7 Fevrier?

If he does who will replace him, Jude Celestin, Mirlande Manigat, or Michel Martelly?

If he does not, do we get more Preval or a transitional government?

Woushhhhh Mezanmi....

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Ouvezieou says...

Patrick, nan tem saa ou paka ap domi frera
ouvezieu ba tet ou yon ti kalot
guinleu ou pawe ke aristide ak preval se mim bagay
youn en chime lot la an vole
min se mim de pie ki vle peyia mache nan rigol
se mim bouda ki met jude nan mitan pou bat bravo
si ouvezieou wa ke se pa minis aristide ki devan zieou min se aristide

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Patrick says...

mwen mande poupreval ale 7 fevrier 2011 retour JEAN BERTRAN

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Rev. Dr. Rivel Dumaine says...

Pawol ou yo fe sans anpil e sentespri bondye ki pale nan wou. Bondye

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Papo says...

The imbecile Preval can go and suck an egg, he's the biggest source of instability in Haiti.

If does not leave, he will face the consequences on Feb

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Marleine says...

Ah mwen pa di ke Preval sete toujou problem Haiti...

Men kom Prezidan yon peyi gen anpil bagay ki pase ki pat sipoze fet..

Le'w se yon prezidan yon peyi ou suppose guide pep la mete'l nan bon jan chemin fe pep la suiv yon bon structure pou yo abouti yon chemin positif...

Wi sa mwen pap

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Magloire says...

Se Meriken ki detwi ekonomi peyi Dayiti pou li ka vann Ayiti manje chimik li yo e avek kospirasi elit peyi Dayiti yap fe Ayisyen kite peyi yo pou yal travay kon bourik nan peyi lot bo dlo. Nou menm ki nan diaspora a nou ap travay tankou bet pou anrichi elit nan peyi Dayiti e se sak fe yo pap janmen kreye travay pou Ayisyen an Ayiti kote yo vle yo rete depandan de nou menm ki deyo a. Yo di ke yo fe plis kob ak nou menm ki nan diaspora nan voye lajan bay fanmi nou ak manje tou an Ayiti.

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Sergo Jean says...

Kisa ou we, mwen respecte panse ou men map eclerci yon bagay pou ou.pep Ayisyen pa janm vote etranje pou dirije Haiti sauf haitien .map poze ou yon kesyon ki es mounn ki responsab pou fe respecte la constitution?

map di ou constitution sa se li ki proteje tout peyi avec citoyen cap viv ladan e li pa bay doua a ocun etranje pou vin betize citoyen peyi a ladan.

Si ou we kelke soi blanc ou lot mounn etranje ladan se paske governeman haitien invite yo paske yo se mandian ki pa vle travay avec prop men yo pou pran swen prop mounn lakay yo paske yo renmen cob san travay.

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Patricia says...

Preval have to go to jail! as soon as possible.God bless

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Ronald Altieri says...

Let me read this again:

You said, "We spent too much times conjugating on our opinions rather than compromise for a conflict of resolution that under lies prevention, intervention, and objectives toward infrastructure."

Well! Let us go to the heart of it:

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Anton says...

Based on the situation being observed, whether President Preval is good or bad for his

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