The President Martelly encourages the Haitian Diaspora to engage.

Jean Pierre Alexandre - April 20 2012, 10:17 AM

Haiti - Reconstruction: The President Martelly encourages the Haitian Diaspora to engage
20/04/2012 10:35:54

The President Michel Martelly, renews his support to the Haitians living abroad on the occasion of the International Day of the Diaspora, celebrated this April 20. On this occasion, the Head of State strongly encourages the Haitians compatriots to become deeply engaged in the development of the country.

"I have always said that our brothers and sisters living outside can help rebuild the country.

They have the will and potentialities in this regard" declared the President Martelly which presents his warmest congratulations to the Haitians living abroad especially for their financial contribution to Haiti.

The Head of State welcomed the organization of various activities marking the week of the Diaspora [April 16 to 22] on the theme: "Haiti needs its Diaspora" activities aimed at enhancing the human potential of Haitians living outside.

The Head of State congratulated the Ministry of Haitians Living Abroad for this noble initiative.

The International Day of the diaspora is celebrated on April 20, according to the Decree of 16 March 2011.

The President of the Republic reaffirms, once again, his determination to work towards the real involvement of all Haitians living abroad in the country's progress.

See also :

HL/ HaitiLibre

How the F are we going to do that, we are don't even exist in Haiti anymore?

We are only cash pushers.

F you Martelly, you need to do better than that.

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