Richelle and Patricia listen to me, please! He is a screen...

Colonel La - March 5 2011, 10:46 AM

Richelle and Patricia listen to me, please!

He is a screen predator who is looking to prey on others by harrassing women and hassling men.

You already know that this is true.

Do not bother with this scpecimen, Cpt D. who thinks that he is special and can fart in everybody's face over this screen.

Just don't bother with it. That's all!

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I know exactly what I'm talking about because I am...


mirlande pour president

Mirlande manigat a perdu toute sa lucidite.elle a deja 75 ans l,age de retraite.Bonne retraite madame.

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Nou dako colonel'la. Nou ta rinmin Micky choisi...

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