Cholzer Chancy

All news about Cholzer Chancy, Politics in Haiti, the latest news. Read the following articles about Cholzer Chancy


Haiti Politics : Senate Vice-President Lareche Refuses to Admit his Signature in Privert Term-Ending Document

Senateur Ronald Lareche Haiti Politics : Senate Vice-President Lareche Refuses to Admit his Signature in Privert Term-Ending Document... A note Senator Lareche supposedly signed jointly with Depute Cholzer Chancy, hours later, he denied signing it... LOOK... more »

Haiti Transition - PM Evans Paul was supposed to Resign Saturday 30 Jan

PM Evans Paul and CEP Opont Caricature Haiti Transition 2016 Update -- According what is being discussed between President Michel Martelly and the presidents of the two branches of Parliament, Jocelerme Privert and Cholzer Chancy , Prime Minister Evans Paul was supposed to resign on Saturday 30 January 2016... more »