Duvalier Is Back In Haiti, Journalist Michele Montas Speaks out

Michele Montas warns the Haitian population about the return of Jean Claude Duvalier in Haiti. Michele Montas is the wife of the late Jean Dominique, owner of Radio Haiti Inter, a radio station that was attacked multiple times during the Duvalier Regime in Haiti

Michele Montas recalls, 28 Nov 1980, the hard times that journalists in Haiti went through under the Duvalier Regime.

Here's a RECAP...

on Friday November 28, 1980, Jean-Claude Duvalier closed Radio Haiti Inter through help from his secret service members, arrested, imprisoned, and exiled a number of Haitian journalists and intellectuals, including the late Jean Dominique and his wife Michele Montas (source irsp.org)

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Do you believe that the other journalist who suffered under Duvalier will agree with this return of Duvalier in Haiti?

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Ronald Altieri says...

Marjorie, i want to get in with you on this. I know that she must be in agony, but the reality of the situation is:

We all, at times, direct our pain in the wrong direction.

File a lawsuit against the Nepalese Officials and enabling haitian authorities that are supporting the release of fecal untreated waste in waters and places that they should not.

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Marjorie Middy says...

I applaud Michele Montas for the good job she has done as a journalist and her role in raising social consciousness regarding free speech.

I believe Michele is wrong with this lawsuit against JC. We don't need anymore drama deterring us from problems such as a resolution to the next presidential election and this cholera

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Frank says...

Ms. Montas should be investigated without
question! During her tenure at the UN she
was a disgrace always creating fights.

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Elsie says...

all I wanrt I want the beautifull haiti that it was when he was president.

I admire M. Montas but recently what this group have been done for haiti in order to lift the country face. I wish that Mrs Montas know that I was a teen when he was president and I enjoyed the country so much back then with 3 cruises au cap every week. there was no fear. the cpountry was beautiful.

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Alessia says...


I find it ironic that after her husband was murdered she decided to not only date Preval but adopt a child with him. One should really look into her past...sleeping with her husband's murderers?

It's funny how she plays the victim when everyone knows she knew what happened with Jean Dominique.

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Syed says...

Michele Montas is trouble! We agree with the
above comment on why she never spoke of her
husbands death.

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Adrien Chenet says...

Chenet-Christonardeni Adrien -

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Paula Jehans says...

Mme. Montas,

Je viens

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Paula Jehans says...

Mrs Montas,

Je viens de entendre votre

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Celui Qui Demeure Sous L Abri Du Tres-haut Repose A L Ombre Du Tout-puissant says...

Ils sont la les heros de l'Adige et du Rhin..."Et voila encore tout recommence comme c'etait prevu, on a toujours du pain sur la planche et l'on ne sait pas comment se defaire de ses longues randonnees sans evidence et resultat satiafaisant, car il avait laisse le pays pour ne plus y revenir et voila qu'aujourd'hui nous sommes oblige de le proteger et lui toute une attention qui n'est que le desir anterieur de tout un chacun.

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