Haiti Caricature - Mirlande Manigat Domi REVE li President de la Republique

Haiti Caricature - Mirlande Manigat Domi REVE li President de la Republique

Haiti Caricature Le Nouvelliste publie montre Madame Mirlande Manigat ki ap Domi, li REVE li President de la Republique, Discour presidentiel li bò tet li, yon liv sou li ekri: Comment Presider une Tansition...

Nen rev la menm, Mirlanse men anlè... Salutations!!! Bandròl bleu et rouge li en penpan... Wololoy!!!

Kisa ou panse de sa?

Kite yon mesaj

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Read: Haiti Presidential : Mirlande Manigat is Dreaming, the Haitian Media is Laughing at her!

Read more about Mirlande Manigat, Haiti Politique Photos

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Marie Ange Tuipppppppp! Madame sa met al dormi tt bon! Li bouge brasser la merde!
Reply · October 12 at 8:39 AM
Rubina Mondesir Mirlande Manigat has a dream Team behind her. All her fans want her to be president and are working hard to make her dream come true as President... see more
Reply · October 11 at 10:23 PM
Dany Dugue Coq C est vrai que madame manigat exagere.mais lequel d entre vous peut lui arriver a la cheville??
Reply · October 10 at 10:11 PM

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