Haiti Police Nationale

Haiti chief of police Leon Charles

Haiti chief of police Leon Charles

Here is a photo of Leon Charles chief of the Haitian National Police Force

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Photo: Bullet hole on the windshield of Haiti new police armored vehicle

Photo: Bullet hole on the windshield of Haiti new police armored vehicle

The bad guys in Haiti tested the new armored police vehicles and they faild. Pictures of bullet holes piercing to these vehicles are all over the Internet.

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FLASH... Tension sou Bicentenaire, Yon machine La Police National la boule ra pye tè

FLASH... Tension sou Bicentenaire, Yon machine La Police National la boule ra pye tè

Men Zin... Manifestan mete dife nan yon bus La Police National d'Haiti an sou Bicentenaire devan Palman an kote climat a tres cho jounen Mercredi 11 Septembre 2019 la, dapre denye nouvel.

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PNH - Police Nationale d'Operation Pays Lock

PNH - Police Nationale d'Operation Pays Lock

Here is a photo of the Haitian National Police force (PNH) doing their best to maintain law and order during Operation "Pays Lock", 10 days when Haiti was really in lock down mode while the opposition was protesting in the streets trying to force President Jovenel Moise to resign

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US Ambassador and Haitian Police trained by US Border Protection

US Ambassador and Haitian Police trained by US Border Protection

POLIFRONT and BLTS and PNH participated in a training with U.S. Customs and Border Protection to enhance techniques in identifying fraudulent documents and securing Haitian borders. With support from US State Department International Narcotics and Law Enforcement and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) these trainings support a safe, secure Haiti.

This is a tweet from the US Embassy in Haiti dated May 5th 2019.

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Haiti : Note from La Primature - Official and State Licence plates must stop at police checkpoints

Haiti : Note from La Primature - Official and State Licence plates must stop at police checkpoints

Read this from the Haitian Government: It is asked of the High Authorities of the three powers of the State, their prerogatives respected, to facilitate the task of the National Police of Haiti, which in the areas of police operations, can identify the occupants of vehicles registered OF (Official) or SE (State Vehicle)

En Francais...

Il est demandé aux Hautes Autorités des trois pouvoirs de l'Etat, leurs prérogatives respectées, de faciliter la tâche de la Police Nationale d'Haiti, qui dans les zones d'opérations policières, pourra identifier les occupants des véhicules immatriculés OF (Officiel) ou SE (Service de l'Etat)

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Haiti Senateur Rony Celestin & DH PNH Michel-Ange Gedeon

Haiti Senateur Rony Celestin & DH PNH Michel-Ange Gedeon

Haiti Senateur Rony Celestin and the director general of the National Police (DG-PNH) Michel-Ange Gedeon

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Rete... Nan kisa n pran la a?

Rete... Nan kisa n pran la a?

Lapolis abrite li, l ap gade lari a jounen Manifestation 17 Octobre 2018 la. Nan kisa nou pran la menm?

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Haiti Police Chief warns protesters: If you use violence we will intervene

Haiti Police Chief warns protesters: If you use violence we will intervene

Haiti Police Chief Michel-Ange Gédéon send a warning to allt he Haitian street protesters ahead or the 17 October 2018 protests: If you use violence we will intervene.

The police will not prevent anyone from protesting because it it your constitutional right, the police chief said. But if you get violent, we will not stand by and watch.

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