Haiti Potests 19 Jun 2014
Haitian street protest sign ask our forefather Dessalines to curse all the sons and daughters of Petion
Take a good look at this photo, an anti-government street protest a sign in Haiti reads "Papa Desalin, Madichon pou tout pitit Petion yo." (Our forefather Dessalines, curse all the sons and daughters of Petion)
Let's dissect this a little...
Jean Jacques Dessalines and Alexandre Petion is to Haiti what George Washington and Thomas Jefferson is the United States. So imagine a sign in a street protest in the USA that reads "Georges Washington, curse all the sons and dauthers of Thomas Jefferson."
You will NEVER see a sign like that as long as you live!
This sign is from a street protest in Port-au-Prince Haiti back in June 19 2014 when the opposition demanded the departure of President Michel Martelly from power. At the head of the protesters was Depute Arnel Belizaire a fierce opponent of the Martelly-Lamothe administration.
Haiti anti-government protesters
Look at this photo, Haiti anti-government protesters took to the streets of capital capital Port-au-Prince 19 June 2014 to demand the departure of President Michel Martelly. At the head of the protesters was Depute Arnel Belizaire a fierce opponent of the Martelly-Lamothe administration.
Haiti anti-government protesters
Look at this photo, Haiti anti-government protesters took to the streets of capital capital Port-au-Prince 19 June 2014 to demand the departure of President Michel Martelly. At the head of the protesters was Depute Arnel Belizaire a fierce opponent of the Martelly-Lamothe administration.
Haiti anti-government protesters
Look at this photo, Haiti anti-government protesters took to the streets of capital capital Port-au-Prince 19 June 2014 to demand the departure of President Michel Martelly. At the head of the protesters was Depute Arnel Belizaire a fierce opponent of the Martelly-Lamothe administration.