Jovenel Moise :: Haitian Politics Blog
Comments about Jovenel Moise - 363 total
Haiti - Le président Jovenel Moise lance Caravane Changement SUD samedi 1er juillet
Après le lancement de la caravane du changement dans le département de l'Artibonite, le président Jovenel Moise et son gouvernement... more »Haiti Nouvelles, June 29, 2017 8:10 PM
Jovenel Moise a vie, apres 5 ans Jojo a nap bay Martelly 5 ans ankor apre sa pou nou re bay Jovenel 5 ans
Jovenel Moise a vie Apres 5 ans Jojo a nap bay Martelly 5 ans ankor apresa pou nou re bay Jovenel 5 ans ankor pou nou we nan 20 ans si peyi a pap... more »Mondestin Jean Ilson, September 29, 2017 6:42 AM
RE: FLASH: Haiti - Farah Juste ARRESTED in Florida for Protesting against Jovenel Moise Without a Permit
Jah love. I am very happy that they protested Jovenel Moise. And I am glad that they were released shortly after their arrest. Ayiti's legacy is... more »Marie Nadine Pierre, November 23, 2015 3:10 PM
RE: AUDIO: Haiti - Moise Jean Charles di li PAP Suporte Jude Celestin come Candidat a la Presidence
Mon cher moise pa konnin sa li jude an face jovenel se pou moise ta siporte jude si moise ta yon lider ki we Haiti avan problem personel li... more »Guy Laguerre, December 8, 2015 3:05 PM
RE: FLASH: Haiti - Senator DON Kato to JOVENEL Moise: Walk Away from the Elections
Si misyé renmen ayiti ke li fè sa pou pèp ayisien. S il pa ta vlé karyè politik li fini, m pa rayi jovenel men façon... more »J Pierre, January 22, 2016 4:09 PM
RE: PHOTO: Haiti - Jovenel Moise nan Kanpay ak Guy Philippe
Pagen b.s. nansa lite lel te tan pou jovenel ak guito te met tetyo ansam pou deblke"peyiya malfwendengyo vle defifara a.viv aiti viv martelly... more »Claude Henry, December 10, 2015 3:47 PM
RE: Haiti - Reynold Georges says: Election Commission is a PLOT to KICK Jovenel Moise Out of the Presidential Race
Ou pa gin sik sa a sou bonbon nou Vann vole.Se sa nou bezoin,pou to retire Jovenel nan kous la.Ou pa gin sik sa a sou bonbon w.Jovenel pired nan... more »Elizabeth Francois, April 24, 2016 8:46 PM
RE: Haiti Elections - Digicel Poll: Jude Celestin and Jovenel Moise on top of Presidential Race
Fo profet. Digitel(DiGiSik) te ka fe mieu ke sa. Si neg banann nan pat deziem mwen taka bay youn ti kredi ak survey sa. Menm madam Jovenel Moise ak... more »Dupeleo, October 24, 2015 1:15 PM
Senateur RONY Celestin: PHTK nan plato santral pa reprezante nan anyen nan gouvenman Jovenel Moise la
Senateur RONY Celestin di: PHTK nan plato santral pa reprezante nan anyen menm nan gouvenman Jovenel Moise la. Mwen te goumen avek Jovenel Moise pou... more »Haiti Nouvelles, October 3, 2017 3:43 PM
RE: Haiti Elections - New BRIDES Poll places Jovenel Moise on Top with 41 percent
The people of Haiti can see that Mr. Jovenel Moise is for the people and his country and not about greed and corruption. I would love to See this... more »Concern, August 24, 2016 6:14 PM