Jovenel Moise :: Haitian Politics Blog
Comments about Jovenel Moise - 363 total
RE: Haiti Elections - Jude Celestin Threatened to be Sanctioned by Opposition if he goes to round 2
Jude should be smarter than that.He should negociate with the G8 and assure them of what he is going to do if he wins the elections. As I said... more »Jean, November 27, 2015 10:07 AM
RE: Haiti Post-Elections: Kick JOVENEL MOISE Out of the race, Presidential Candidates said
Jovenel se Martelly second term. Ki diferans ki guin yin ant Martelly e Jovenel. Jovenel ap president de doublure. Jovenel se ou president in pe... more »Lide Pam, October 29, 2015 1:30 PM
RE: FLASH: Haiti - Senator Evaliere Beauplan says: JOVENEL Moise has to leave the country
Yes he have to go cause he ain't do nothing for the country aba jovenel moise haiti don't need need jovenel more »Andre, October 18, 2018 6:48 AM
RE: FLASH: Haiti - BCEN Final Decision, Jovenel Moise STAYS in the Race, Election Tet Dwat
Neg banann nan pa movei pou payi dHaiti. Jovenel pral developei agriculture ak commerce si li passei election 2016. Pep Haitien pral plantei... more »Laisser Yo Fai, November 24, 2015 1:09 PM
Nan Miami Herald, Prezidan Jovenel Moise fè konnen PetroCaribe se yon zam zòt itilize kont li
Men Nouvel... Nan yon op-ed li ekri sou Miami Herald, Prezidan Jovenel Moise fè konnen PetroCaribe se yon zam zòt itilize kont li pou yo... more »Haiti Nouvelles, July 15, 2019 5:37 AM
RE: FLASH: Haiti Elections - Exit Poll Places Jovenel Moise in 4th Position, Should Jovenel be AFFRAID?
Jovenel prezidan, Martelly Premie Misnis.... wap we si pep la pap votel.... more »Ana Conda, November 20, 2015 4:06 PM
RE: Haiti Elections - Jude Celestin threatens to withdraw, GOOD for Moise Jean Charles
The thing is Jude would win against Jovenel while Moise JC will lose against Jovenel.Think about it. more »Jean, November 14, 2015 11:04 AM
Haiti - Les Militans PHTK critiquant le président Jovenel Moise pour les avoir abandonnés
L'opposition politique n'est pas la seule entité qui se dresse contre le président Jovenel Moise, ses partisans lui reprochent... more »Haiti Nouvelles, March 15, 2018 12:30 PM
Question: Le président haitien Jovenel Moise perd-il sa crédibilité?
Beaucoup de journalistes en Haiti commencent à se focaliser sur le fait que le président Jovenel Moise n'est qu'un menteur qui fait des... more »Haiti Micro Trottoir, July 26, 2018 7:02 AM
RE: FLASH: Haiti - Farah Juste ARRESTED in Florida for Protesting against Jovenel Moise
Bay nouvel la byen madanm LAN ap fe manifestasyon San pemit yo aretel. Pa fe moun komprann se poutet Jovenel Moise yo aretel. more »Francesca Sou Facebook, November 22, 2015 9:22 PM