Pastor Rivel Dumaine Dr - Haitian Politics Blog
Topic and comments posted by Pastor Rivel Dumaine Dr
(Page 1 of 2)
The last time that I remembered how Haiti was in control of its...
April 29, 2011 5:04 PM
The last time that I remembered how Haiti was in control of its National territory including, but not excluding Sea, Land Air, Sub- Marine, and... more »
Kenbe la Pitit Bondye, mwen pat gen chans poum te Duvalierist...
March 29, 2011 10:52 PM
Kenbe la Pitit Bondye, mwen pat gen chans poum te Duvalierist ni lavalaso, men mwen se pitit Ayisyen kap fer efo pou alekol pou vye pawol san sans... more »
Mezanmi ki sa la justis ap fer toujou you poko arete Jean...
March 29, 2011 10:38 PM
Mezanmi ki sa la justis ap fer toujou you poko arete Jean Bertrand Arisitde. Anpil moune ki pedi fanmi yo se vant you kap koupe ande. Human Rights... more »
Pa bilye li kapab onet et sinser paske li vlye viv nan peyil...
March 26, 2011 2:49 PM
Pa bilye li kapab onet et sinser paske li vlye viv nan peyil tou si li pa fer sa lap viv nan kache pou la vil. Tout neg se ayisyen gen doua poul viv... more »
Good science rema that shows how Haiti can pay its military and...
March 26, 2011 2:41 PM
Good science rema that shows how Haiti can pay its military and Police officers to better train and educate them. Instead they choose to destroy the... more »
An nou mete men dan la men ansanm ak baton la verite, displine...
March 21, 2011 4:54 PM
An nou mete men dan la men ansanm ak baton la verite, displine, princip, amou, resper, honetete, ak dinyite yon pou lot na va sezi wer koman peyi... more »
Thank you for the word that will keep our spirit alive. Please...
March 21, 2011 4:51 PM
Thank you for the word that will keep our spirit alive. Please continue to write. Sincerely yours, Pastor,Rivel Dumaine, Dr. more »
Je viens Bientot pour efacer de la terre inegalite, injustice social, etc.,
March 20, 2011 12:40 PM
Mes cheres freres et soeurs, je vous salue d' un profond amour patriotiste, nationaliste, and spirituel de pret ou de loin avec sincerite. J'ai... more »
I am just coming from church, and I heard about the news of...
March 20, 2011 11:41 AM
I am just coming from church, and I heard about the news of this gut got shot by whom, for what, why, where, and when that is happened? Everyone is... more »
Good night all of you fans out there. It was a pleasure...
March 18, 2011 1:52 AM
Good night all of you fans out there. It was a pleasure debating with people who know better than me, but the desire is there to learn. Sunday... more »
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