Bernard - Haitian Politics Blog
Topic and comments posted by Bernard
(Page 7 of 8)
It did not take long, I knew as soon as Aristide went back the...
March 20, 2011 12:43 PM
It did not take long, I knew as soon as Aristide went back the violence was going to start again. His followers feel that they can do the same thing... more »
This is a very well orchestraded ploy by Preval for Manigat to...
March 19, 2011 7:23 PM
This is a very well orchestraded ploy by Preval for Manigat to win the popular vote, but if Aristide thinks he is going to get away with the same... more »
If we look at the acomplishments of each of these two men JEAN...
February 16, 2011 6:40 PM
If we look at the acomplishments of each of these two men JEAN CLAUDE and Aristide, there is no doubt that Jean Claude wins, Aristide destroyed... more »
Jean Claude left Haiti 26yrs ago, when he left we had an army...
February 16, 2011 6:25 PM
Jean Claude left Haiti 26yrs ago, when he left we had an army, we had hospitals that were fully functional, we had a fire dept., we had tourism, we... more »
Its time we all put our heads together and build a new HAITI...
February 11, 2011 7:56 PM
Its time we all put our heads together and build a new HAITI. If Jean Claude came back to help, we should all join hands and work together. After... more »
Forget it, Aristide has a problem that Jean Claude did not...
January 19, 2011 8:37 PM
Forget it, Aristide has a problem that Jean Claude did not have. Aristide has a warrant for his arrest, dont you remember he was implicated in drug... more »
Just a thought for those of you that are wondering why Jean...
January 19, 2011 8:25 PM
Just a thought for those of you that are wondering why Jean Claude came back! If you are traveling overseas, you know that they look at your... more »
The game that is being played in Haiti is bigger than you and...
January 19, 2011 8:11 PM
The game that is being played in Haiti is bigger than you and me, the super powers that occupied us as a result of the bad leaders we have had for... more »
I am glad Jean Claude is back, ever since he left 26 yrs ago,we...
January 19, 2011 7:51 PM
I am glad Jean Claude is back, ever since he left 26 yrs ago,we have had a bunch of losers and thieves as leaders, the country is in worst shape... more »
Wake my people! do you remember what the ambassador from the...
December 18, 2010 11:47 PM
Wake my people! do you remember what the ambassador from the dominican republic said in in a speach in haiti last year? the u.s., france and canada... more »
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