Explained: The last four Haitian presidents all wanted to change Haiti for the better. So why did they fail?

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So why did they fail? will be listed here. If you want to discuss it further, be sure to add your own comments.
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So why did they fail?
So far, 3 comments have been posted, read what our visitors think about Explained: The last four Haitian presidents all wanted to change Haiti for the better.
So why did they fail?
Un groupe de personnes en Haiti NE VEUT PAS que le pays change du tout... Aristide, Preval, Martelly et Jovenel, les quatre derniers presidents... more »
Haiti se yon peyi ale ve lavan rayi chien di Dan li blan.4 pezidan sa yo te vle yon bagay Pou peyi a min fos anti chanjman kanpe an Croix Pou Haiti... more »
Well one thing to fight the resistance you have to start revealing them so that we know who are the enemy so we can fight the if everything is in... more »