FLASH: Haiti - Senator Evaliere Beauplan says: JOVENEL Moise has to leave the country

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So far, 4 comments have been posted, read what our visitors think about FLASH: Haiti - Senator Evaliere Beauplan says: JOVENEL Moise has to leave the country
Se sa ki nouvel lan? Sa nou abitye tande l bo kote senate an. Se nomal pou Evalirere Beauplan genyen sa a pa rapo sa l'ap defann. Eske anket fet... more »
Yes he have to go cause he ain't do nothing for the country aba jovenel moise haiti don't need need jovenel more »
it's a shame. The Senator doesn't know the Constitution. more »
Did nothing, Clean up of the Artibonite valley to increase the rice production, Try to get electricity 24/24 Amelioration du reseau routier du pays... more »