Petition to President Barack Obama for the end of military occupation USA/MINUSTAH
To President Barrack Obama for the denial of the vote of the United States of America in the Security Council to the renewal of MINUSTAH in October 2016
Mr President,
Organizations and personalities petitioners greet your approach to enhance the prestige and dignity of your nation jeopardized through many unfortunate past decisions affecting countries as far as Japan / Hiroshima in Asia and Cuba, hit with more 50 years of embargo, in the Caribbean.
It is important to point out that Haiti requires from the United States of America, a new look, a new practice to deconstruct for good, open or disguised interferences such as on July 28, 1915 or the more recent occupation troops USA / MINUSTAH.
The rigor of your lawyer lined Senator status associated with that of the President concerned by the institutional norms, cannot let escape your attention that the Agreement of 9 July 2004 signed for the arrival of MINUSTAH troops in Haiti is void under prescribed in the Vienna Convention on International treaties.
Indeed, one of the signatories was not qualified.
Yet it is from this void, illegal agreement, that resulted constant renewals of the de facto presence of that military mission.
Alas, this is reminiscent of the scandalous practices of the American occupation where, from 1916 to 1930, it was forbidden to the Haitian people to vote their representatives and senators as indicated by the US financial adviser at the time, AC Millspaugh: "Americans in Haiti actively interfered in domestic affairs ...
and participated in the suspension from 1916 to 1930 of a popular election and an Elected legislature." (Millspaugh A.C. HAITI UNDER AMERICAN CONTROL-1931)
Mr. President, for the Honor, Ethics, and American Dignity, it is urgent to end this shameful situation created in Haiti, first sovereign country without slave of America.
Haiti has devoted the abolition of slavery in 1804 with his first head of state Jean-Jacques Dessalines, while the United States of America had to wait until their 16th president to fulfill it, or with a delay of 59 years.
As a matter of fact, the pages of the history of the United States from 1861 to 1865 show a divided country with two presidents at the same time and two visions: Jefferson Davis, the slave master and Abraham Lincoln, the abolitionist.
The clash of these two visions materialized in a civil war that has caused the bloody death of more than 600 thousand Americans; But fortunately it was the antislavery vision of Abraham Lincoln that triumphed.
Indeed, EU states realized their January 1, 1804 when President Lincoln was staring at January 1, 1863 the emancipation of slaves.
Country hung from its foundation to the ideal of freedom of nations, Haiti in 1861, the year of the American Civil War, offered, for its part, with honor, the life of its sons who, weapons in hand, fought side by side with the Dominican patriots against the new Spanish occupation in the Dominican Republic, the neighboring country.
Maintaining the occupation USA / MINUSTAH on the basis of an illegal international document, it is insulting up Haitian humanist ideal and devote the Moral and Civic killing of the young generation which is forced to adopt and practice illegality, fraud and democracy on the cheap as standards.
Should we forget the deinstitutionalization pattern related to this mission that requires national sectors including the judiciary and others, to plunge into relations outside standards with this illegal and unconstitutional force.
Institutional weakness is such that judges of the Cour de Cassation, ie the Haitian Supreme Court, are found to collect and validate the oath of non-permanent members of Electoral Councils therefore unconstitutional; and that under the approving eye of "minusthians" occupants.
In fact, from 2006 to 2016, the U.S. Government continued to inject money from American taxpayers into a series of rigged unconstitutional elections which hardly serve the interests of Haiti otherwise that bogged down it in an increasingly acute crisis and institutionalized corruption.
What the Haitian people had well understood and expressed through this great movement of refusal of January 22, 2016 when itstood as one man to say NO !
In addition, the placing under control of the Haitian Parliament under USA/MINUSTAHoccupation, caused systematic inertia of all legislatures since 2006 for the official holding of a National Assembly on the illegal agreement of July 9, 2004, as required by article 98-3 of the Haitian Constitution regarding the approval or rejection of international agreements; need to clarify that mother Act prohibits the presence of foreign troops on the territory (Art 263-1)
Mr President, while it is true that the UnitedStates of America in 1861 were crossed by two visions: slavery and anti-slavery, rest assured that Haiti is also experiencing double vision: the pro-occupation vision, negative, dehumanizing and the anti-occupation constructive vision, including the right to self-determination of the Haitian people and to which, we, signatories, are faithfully attached.
It should be recalled that the 2016 Year fits in the period decreed through a resolution of the Organization of the United Nations as being that of the "Decade for people of African Descent" and the valuation of their contribution to the heritage of humanity.
Is it simply consistent that Haiti, first nation of America built by the African Diaspora in rejection of slavery and colonial rule, may suffer the indignity of a freedom confiscated by foreign forces USA/MINUSTAH?
So you have, Mr President, the historic responsibility TO SAY NO to the permanence of this situation, helping thus to close this moral fracture imposed to Haiti and citizens of the world, and restore on this folder, full coherence to the system of the United Nations whose founding text, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights bears the imprints, among others, of a well-advised Haitian diplomat: Émile Saint-Lot.
For the Honor, Ethics and Dignity of America, we, the organizations and personalities signatories, strongly encourage you to raise to the dimension of an Abraham Lincoln and close your mandate with this remedial action that is: THE DENIAL OF THE VOTE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN THE SECURITY COUNCIL IN OCTOBER 2016 FOR THE RENEWAL OF MINUSTAH, INSULT TO INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS.
Josué Merilien, HAITI
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