Haiti Election Money - ALL $55 Millions ARE Available, President Privert says

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So far, 5 comments have been posted, read what our visitors think about Haiti Election Money - ALL Millions ARE Available, President Privert says
Haiti should not spend $55 millions for Do Over election. Too many presidential candidates. They should spend only $25 millions for election. more »
Samble haiti tres riche si DGI gintan fe 55millionnan 5moi yo pran tout mn pou sot?martelly yon goldmine pou yo c $150 transfeya epi professeur pa k... more »
No, Haiti is very poor. $55 millions in 5 month is just for Port au Prince. Haiti has 10 departments, every department should be able to produce... more »
Amen....bien dit! I checked out of Haitian politics because too much magouille! more »
Rayi cyen di dan l blan. Privert fe sal kapab malgre pout pikan gwana neg mete sou chemen l. Gen kouraj pou bat la men pou li. Pa rele m Priveist... more »