It is still noisy and life is very expensive around Port au...
It is still noisy and life is very expensive around Port au Prince.
They should build some Psychiatric Centers in the provinces like the Nippes, the Nord Ouest, Grande Anse, Gonaives, Cayes, Petit Goave because some patients need a quiet place.
Those have a lot of water for them to go swimming, walking, jogging and much more. Life is easier and less expensive in those neighborhood.
Decentralize Port au Prince.
Let us go places for more fresh air. Those patients are polluating the air smoking marijuana, mescaline, etc. They really need fresh air. Port au Prince needs more fresh air.
Response to:
They should not build one 5,000 bed psychiatric in...
New Psychiatric Ctr will be build in Boutillier for sweet dreamer
There is a project to build a five thousand bed psychiatric center on Morne Boutillier that will be the state of the...