Haiti Elections - Jude Celestin's LAPEH Party wants Another Election Date

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So far, 7 comments have been posted, read what our visitors think about Haiti Elections - Jude Celestin's LAPEH Party wants Another Election Date
Jude claim is different than what the G8 asks. He asks for a new date and a de-facto government to organize the elections.Thus, the G8 asks to... more »
This is a gutsy move. Anybody is stupid and dumb to believe Jovenel can win without Martelly and CORE GROUP. Jude is fit to lead this country... more »
As the days go back, that Jude Celestin is proving himself to be dumber than a ton of rocks! What pray tell does he intend to tell his G7... more »
Please educate me on his platform and before you do, please tell me why he didn't work on these wonderful things while he was working under Aristide... more »
No election is without flaw, but the real reason why these old fashion politicians are losing is because politics in Haiti changed under Martelly... more »
Cheria, I agree with you. The constitution should change and add an elected chief of department or gorvernor for each department to have some... more »
I am the only one who can change Haiti and bring a better life to the Haitian people but I am not into running for President right now. I am the... more »