"La Loi est dure, mais c'est la Loi." Les mots du droit: If...
"La Loi est dure, mais c'est la Loi."
Les mots du droit:
If Mr. Lamothe didn't received discharge (Financial auditing) from the CSCCA (Cours Superieure des Comptes et des Contentieux Administratifs) yet after he has been resigned from his official post as Prime minister, and Representative of other Ministers offices in Haiti.
It is unfortunate to say that Mr. Laurent Lamothe is not qualify to participate during the coming Haitian Presidential electoral.
If yes, Mr Lamothe received discharge from the CSCCA Court?
When was that?
If yes, Mr. Lamothe needs to publish result from the audit on the Nouvelliste, and the Moniteur news paper and we can congratulate Mr. Lamothe.
If No, the Haitian people needs to as you why?
My commentary and question to you is: You were the Prime minister of this poor country and you actives during your administration weren't that great even there was money available for many strong empowerment and development projects for. So what is the reason you want to come back as the next Haitian President now?
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