I would be tempted to beleve what the senator said, if he...
I would be tempted to beleve what the senator said, if he himself was a reliable leader.
As corrupted as he pretends the administration is, as stupid and ignorant this senator has proven himself to be. Haiti is a country where you find anything and everything, even a senator named Steven Benoit...
We have gone that low in our political choice.
I would suggest this guy, if he can, to try to read about the Haitian senate history and see if he can understand something about the people we used to call senator.
It would do a better ervice to the country by keeping his mouth shut and enjoy the paycheck he is doing nothing for. Corruption starts with him...
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Haiti Martelly-Lamothe Regime is the MOST Corrupt, Senator Steven Benoit says...
The Haiti government of President Michel Martelly and Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe is the most corrupt government the country has ever known...