Manifestation in Haiti - Aristide Partisans take to the streets to commemorate 30 September, the day of the Coup d'Etat
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Depwi yo gen pemi se dwa yo men, li leu li tan pou Ayisyen sispann kraze brize. Peyi sa paka tounen Deye anko. more »
Mezanmi gen manifestation nan lari a, pran precaution... Radio Caraibes Haiti fek reporte ke gen yon ekip manifestan ki devan nan Saint Jean Bosco a... more »
Anyien yo pa gen pou yo fe bann sendenden yo more »
Men denye nouvel... a 2:30PM nan Tabarre, jounen 30 Septanm 2014 la, La police national la disperse manifestation LAVALAS la nan kafou flerio a kout... more »