Continued article Ms. Adolphe was hiding in the countryside...
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Ms. Adolphe was hiding in the countryside, near central Haiti's town of Mirebalais, her place of birth.
There were reasons for so. She did not want to be captured alive by mobs looking for her and then her lifeless body set on fire (Pere Lebrun or necklace), after she was savagely killed - the fate on an incalculable number of former torturers, murderers in the revolted Caribbean nation...
Her death occurred a few weeks after Baby Tyrant Doc Duvalier was forced to depart Haiti for France - on February 7, 1986.
Enraged, after she learned that Douche, a family member and partner in odious crimes, was the one who executed her mother, Ms. Bosquet evicted him from her mother's big house, in Merebalais, where the forced executioner of criminal Ms. Adolphe took residence.
This, in fact, days after Ms. Adolphe, who contracted marriage with Max Adolphe - a dentist by training and profession, former baby Duvalier's minister of health - was sent to the dark embrace of death.
Assassins offspring Nicholas Duvalier & Magalie Bosquet
Assassins offspring Nicholas Duvalier & Magalie Bosquet are teaching Martelly crew how to torture,poisoning and...
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