Man Shot And Killed at Roro Nelson Residence, Friend and Adviser of Haiti President Martelly
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So far, 6 comments have been posted, read what our visitors think about Man Shot And Killed at Roro Nelson Residence, Friend and Adviser of Haiti President Martelly
I do not see how that should affect the Martelly's administration.As they say the deads are always wrong.Martelly did not kill the guy.I do hope... more »
This is a reply to Ronald: Ronald said: "I do not see how that should affect the Martelly's administration. As they say the deads are always wrong... more »
Correction Now we have a repetition of the Duvalier regime where the thugs, assassins and butchers of the Martelly regime are killing people from... more »
The security has a good thing by shooting this one of those guys because too many haiti resident has died that way,that right sombody have security... more »
What should happen? A thorough investigation is to be done and turn every stone so no one tries to play the favor card was played and no justice... more »
Andre9 Rossinot et sa majorite9 muclpinaie ont e9te9 e9lus en 2001. Votre propos Donc Nancy est UMP (CQFD) s'apparente donc e0 un surre9alisme... more »