KPP - Katye Pam Poze - New Haiti Community-based Decentralization Program
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So far, 7 comments have been posted, read what our visitors think about KPP - Katye Pam Poze - New Haiti Community-based Decentralization Program
THIS iS FANTASTIC! Finally! Thumbs up for the Martelly's administration. It's about time someone hold the citizens of this country accountable for... more »
This is how you do it! Mr. president and associates don't be discourage We, The People, got Your Back. more »
The idea of creation a community-based decentralization in Haiti is great. But, the problem is that how it is going to be appropriately done. You... more »
I do support the topic, but I think if they want to do something nice or great; they have to include Ayisyen cap viv lot bo dlo yo ladan pou ka gen... more »
A dire vrai, c'est pour la premiere fois un gouvernement Haitien a un progamme si vicieu ayant la capacite de couvrir tous les departements du pays... more »
KKP ce sa net min pou realize proje sa you Matelly pat doue pran tout ensem. Si vraimen misie vle progre li doue pran yon proje pou kont li, fini li... more »
Pour ceux qui ne savent pas. C'etait la vision de notre premier Empereur.Il voulait parcourir le pays et connaitre les potentialites de chaque... more »