Hey Alexandre who posted The death of withney Houston is a...

Monel - February 13 2012, 11:16 AM

Hey Alexandre who posted The death of withney Houston is a warning to Michel Martely.

Mr douche who said in your posting the death of Elizabeth withney Houston will serve Martely to stop smoking crack and cocaines.

May be you were smoking crack too at this time you posted that shi't.who said Martely cannot controle his behavior in private and public because he is under the influence of cracks, now you are smoking the crack with Michel Martely at Jacmel in the carnaval, you are defending your crackhead like you.
Alexandre My mother talk to me about you at this time she used to go at Montana, you were a tchioul a batty'man who your asss used to deep dig by those guys you said they usually paid my mother $5.but my mother told me your asss were beeb digging for free or for food left over.
You, Mr crackhead when you are taking that shi't, make sure you go in a public's toilet you eat so much shi't before you wanna poste something.

otherwise take the crack mixed it with that shi't you got in the public's toilet, full your head don't come in that blog to poste any shi't...idio't.punk.animal.crackhead.

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Monel we Duvalierist we used to have a special deal...


The death of Whitney Elizabeth Houston is a warning to Michel Martelly

The death of Whitney Elizabeth Houston will serve to teach Michel Martelly to stop smoking crack and cocaine. Martelly...

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