I am so glade to hear a lot about Haitian people Today...

Roro - October 29 2011, 8:43 PM

I am so glade to hear a lot about Haitian people Today remenber your face is your mirror for any Haitian for any country in the world.

Remenber no one can become Toussaint, Dessaline, Petion.

After those people who was 100% pure Black(Haitian) the rest are fake. If Haiti still have a real Haitian like pure Black I do believe Haiti would be a great country in the world like the way Mir. Petion were drove the country.

By the way whose can respect someone if that person do not have God in heaven in they life?

Does gods Haitian people are worship thier are fake, thier are can not see, thier are can not hear, only one thing thier can do is make every Haitians back to back not face to face hands to hands heard to heard heart to heart ears to ears, and eyes to eyes. I really like when you stay outside of Haiti and have the opportunity to ear what the other nations said about Haiti! When Haitians would know we black we came from Africa?

To have that country Today we are loss lots of people, like really great people.

Those who were pure black.

Today after July 28, 1915 everyone whose calling themself Haitians they are 30,000% fake. My quetion is. Does that land call Haiti do have a real nation on it?

Ask yourself are you Haitian or someone who always drinking blood and no respect for your superior?

As Haitians when we would be a nation?

That is why the reason, Today we are sales cholera in Haiti and one thing we never know if we don't have any customers to sale it to. Devil using us to do lots of crazy thing, after that to call are name HERO?

Whos a HERO?

Do not trying to be glorifying, because you wont be.Only one can be is the King of King in heaven would can be glorifying.This is some of great and pure Black Haitian if you want you can call they names HERO.Toussaint, Dessaline specially Petion who went to so many great country in the world to set slaves free the other to ABOLISH the slavery.

Today We do not have a history.



What is a great example we have Today for the very young generation of the Haiti?

I do believe God in heaven must come and rebuilt that nation again maybe after that, we would know who are we where we came from, and know what we had done before.

I am not talking about the blood of Haitian people we drinking in Haiti, I am talking about the great thing we had been done in Haiti also outside of Haiti.

Mr. President Michel Martelly I do not know if I would have the opportunity to see a great Haiti like it was started on the past when Petion was in the power.

For what I ear you starting doing well, may Heavenly Father be with you Today until the end. Remenber you going to have lots of bad experience and sometimes you have to make some decision please Mr. President pray God in heaven first ask him what should you do on that situation and he would giude you, and tell you what you should do. You are going to have an Army in the country please remenber must of male and female wanting to join the army just because they are wanting to drinking more Haitians blood because the devil are tirsty, angry he would sending those people to the army to kill and to abused the nation.

Again go talk to the King of King in heaven he would help you and guide you to have a wonderful country.

Thank you and may the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit be with you in the country every day.

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