Min Senateur Kap Jere Elections Novemb'yo
This article is copied and posted from haitilibre.com for the betterment of our means to communicate on a much more informed basis.
Haiti - Politic: Elections in November?
List of Senators concerned
16/09/2011 10:04:04
Lucien Jura, the Spokesman of the Presidency, said that the next elections to renew one third of the Senate and all the municipal councillors should be held in November.
Concerning the organization of the elections by the current Provisional Electoral Council CEP), the spokesman referred to a workshop on the subject, within the presidency and assured that he will make know the results, without setting a date.
Not excluding the impossibility to respect this electoral deadline, Lucien Jura stated that arrangements would then be taken to the holding of these elections as soon as possible.
List of Senators elected in 2006 whose term ends in 2012
Youri Latortue (Artibonite) - AAA
Edmonde Supplice Beauzile (Centre) - FUSION (ALTERNATIVE)
Michel Cl