Mr zoepre now that you reminded me about how stupid his...
Mr zoepre now that you reminded me about how stupid his comment was regarding the major disaster of the earthquake, why in the world will we bring him back this man never show up and give information about any of his accomplishment(is there any?)did not have a plan after the disaster and let other people come and tell him how he should do it if he was the leader of the country we should have had a plan at this time even if he was no longer in power we should have been working with his plan as we can see nothing was done because he was not a leader our country was never place in a recovery mode after this heart stopping event the country was left at the merci of other country to be beggar as usual.This man has no place as the president of Haiti
We need to support our new President in his work, leadership and also support him to find funds and taxes so we can actually take care of ourself as a country( gran moun lakay nou)
With our new president I finally feel hope that we will solve Haiti multiple issues.
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I completely agree with Elizabeth, your right on that...
We must ammend the constitution to put Preval back as president
Haitians my country people, Haiti is taking a turn for the worse with Martelly trying to enrich himself as fast as...
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I agree on that. It's about time the people put a...
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