President Martelly is a political novice, Is that the problem?
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So far, 12 comments have been posted, read what our visitors think about President Martelly is a political novice, Is that the problem?
President Obama is also a novice, and we all have to start somewhere. They both cannot walk on water, and the fish is rotten from the head in Haiti... more »
For your good information josy President Obama was a Senator he wasn't pick on the road like president Martelly.Same for Mrs Clinton, after they put... more »
MR. MAX MILLS: How about the former President of Brazil? He did not even graduate High School, and Brazil is doing great. Are you one of the... more »
Blog manager,go F U C K yourself with you useless questions. You need be hang like an animal,remove your skin off from head to toes. more »
I beleive now president Martelly is the problem. He ascended to the presidency of Haiti without any academic preparations and polical experiences... more »
Former President Luiz Ignacio Da Silva (Lula) had plenty of experiences before he became president of Brazil.It is true he did not graduate from... more »
I know one thing for sure, and it is the power of intention. President Michel Martelly has good intentions, and is street smart. He has been helping... more »
Well said Josy maybe we need to find a way to help the president About fan club or some type of association around the world more »
With all due respect to the above comment, i dont think MM is the problem.We have 16 terrorists who just hijacked the haitian people. These guys... more »
I believe Baby dock is in haiti right now. He can take care of the country the same ways they did before.As haitian we like a dunkies who need baton... more »