NO HE DID NOT TELL THE PRESS TO SHUT UP. He wants the media in...
NO HE DID NOT TELL THE PRESS TO SHUT UP. He wants the media in the diaspora to stop badmouthing the country on television, radio, and newspaper.
I agree with him, and we are our own worst ennemis.
President Martelly is an educated man, and traveled abroad.
He knows the importance of the media, and free speech.
He would never say such stupidity, and merely asking for them to stop dogging the country.
Words are powerful, and they are sending negative energy.
I agree there are crimes, and we have a long way to go. We have crimes all over the world including the usa, and there is poverty in the Bronx.
You have the Apalachian, New Orleans, Mississipi, and right here in Florida.
Les linges sale se lavent en famille.
Rats are eating babies' toes in those areas, and even in Chicago there is an area where people have no running water or indoor plumbing.
Haiti has issues, and is not the only country with problems.
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