UNPREPARED, IRRESPONSIBLE, He is really Sweet Micky the...
UNPREPARED, IRRESPONSIBLE, He is really Sweet Micky the vitialed, depraved, perverted, and the President Elect corrupted.
In this circle of bad choices, the underdeveloped counties like Haiti is trapped between the old politics and the new economic of globalize finance.
The visible explanation of the dilemma is debt, because of the arrogant dream of the Briton Woods, the global system of finance and commerce is in a reckless fort-race with history, plunging toward some sort of dreadful reckoning with its own contradictions, pulling every nation with it specially Haiti.
One says there is not political action, or government intervention that might avert this disastrous laissez-faire.
However, it is never too late to do the right thing.
If the positive energies of the revolutionary process ate to be preserved, it has to be showed down, not stopped, and redirected on a new course of development that is more moderate and progressive.
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