M Martelly doit asseoir son pouvoir!
Since the last election results publication no one ignores that the presidential party is at th minority posit ion...
But a litle bit of hope dwells and it's time than never that our Excellence prepares himself to talk to his lovers fellow!He must ask them to vow their President success by votin all his senators at th next parliamentary election tour.1st:Name the Delegations in all departements with mission to get bout at. least 7 senators from 10 in th next parlementary election tour.2nd The delegations must have th mission to have from the 150 mayors at least 100 till 120; all those persons will be there to support the government decisions nd by th way prepare th next Reelection of th party..
Instead of an inversed situation th new government works will b harder face of this strong parliament which 3 parties will constitue th majority far before th presidential one!