President Martelly, History is likely to judge him well IF...
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So far, 16 comments have been posted, read what our visitors think about President Martelly, History is likely to judge him well IF...
That right I support Michel Mately campagne he was engry for the kind of government we been through for so long over and over againt,we are tired... more »
I believe Martelly, will be a great leader... Martelly need people who is Honest, Integrity, dedication, genuine, individuals in his cabinet more »
I am a Project Carrier, I am waiting for round table decisions.? With who are we dealing and in which way do we get things done... So far it is... more »
President Martelly will do fine. Nobody can do worse tha Aristide and Preval. He should not fear to act boldly...for the common good. more »
Haitians are extremely emotional, and need to put it aside for a minute. The few who do not like President Martelly are waiting for him to fall flat... more »
History is not always a good judge. If past experiences are any indication, he is more like to help himself, noy anyone else. I wish I could beleive... more »
michel martelly ne va pas effacer d un coup de baguette tous les problemes d haiti,il a besoin de temps et d argent,et vous serez d accord avec moi... more »
leave the man along so much he can do this country in a mess now u think in 5 years he can do everything why we all dont work together to have a... more »
Martelly is not a prophet, there is no sweet micky miracle! Martelly est un homme qui a pu r more »