A delay was suspected, but no one wanted to really voice that...
A delay was suspected, but no one wanted to really voice that opinion.
I really like the way you presented your opinion on this aspect of the election; as far quoting one of Einstein's famous quotes: "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
I like to say that the 1st round was on November 28th and they gave us the results on December 7th. Mind you that there were 19 presidential candiates and a bunch of other Senatorial and Deputy candidates.
I suppose that is a whole other bag, because INITE was having dreams of running the country for decades to come.
Now, on March 20th there were only 2 Presidential candidates with a bunch of Senator and Deputy candidates, and it was better organize.
But, I suppose that is whole other bag, because INITE has been slapped to reality and they know that they will not have the majority in Parliament and will not running anything except may be for their family members to Dominican Republic.
You should be applauded for your insightful thought of "Moun Fou: dealing with the same people over and over again and expecting different results." Mostly because, there is so much truth in there for all of us. Since 1987 we have been dealing with the same assholes masking themselves as intellectuals and know-it-alls, and you look around you from february 1987 to January 12th 2010 and saw the same thing.
Those same people given themselves their political parties different names are still running the country, and we are getting the same results.
I am going to say something that hurts me to even think about, but it must be said.
Right now the Dominican Republic is where we are importing most of our goods from. Therefore, we are economically dependent on them. If we do not get our act together quickly, the USA, France and Canada will be forced to look into the possibility of dealing with Haiti as a failed state beyond self-repair.
When a state is thought in this light, the state that it is economically dependent upon become the player most likely to annex it behind the scenes.
If we Haitians do not get our act together, we will have a president, but that president and its administration will be totally dependent on the Dominican Republic economically and therefore Haiti will be an annexed state of the Dominican Republic.
You can laugh all you want, but there are plans to annex Haiti in ways that you could not begin to understand.
In the next 10 years or so, if we do not get our act together, Dominican soldiers will help us to get it straight.
"Moun Fou: dealing with the same people over and over again and expecting different results."
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