No Sir I am not talking about hate neither revenge, just...
No Sir I am not talking about hate neither revenge, just statement of the past of many leaders.
You would not question Mr. Aristide as a former Priest if he has said to burn people alive because many believe that a Pastor should stay out of politic living it out for the ignorance to destroy our country.
I have been in many other sites writing about many subjects, and I have never questioned about been a Pastor.
Haitians you are my brother, and Haiti is my country to be concerned about the suffering and the misery of my people; however Mr. Aristide is a Haitian Citizen should live free in his country.
I really love you with all my heart, but when I see the problem of my country due the fault of these leaders; it feels sad.
I respect you alot and you are very kind to me. I appreciate that, but are sure that Mr. Aristide is a Priest who wrote the 100 versets Dechoukaj?
Unbelievable to find out!
Love you all!
Past Rivel Dumaine, Dr.
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pastor rivel dumaine are u sure that u are a pastor...
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