Jeune Haiti Magazine has Martelly Leading For President
According to Jeune Haiti Magazine Mattapan MA. (, Phone # 1-617-298-0357), the candidate Michel Martelly is leading the presidential race comfortably.
Here is the article for your reading pleasing.
Breaking News:
According to the latest poll conducted by Jeune Haiti Magazine and the Mattapan/Greater Boston Technology Learning Center, Michel Martelly is leading the race for President in Haiti by 15%.
Jeune Haiti Magazine is a Boston Based publication.
The Creative Research System Software was used to collect and analyze data sample thru random telephone calls to voters in Port-au-prince, Cayes, Gonaives and Cap Haitian.
Many variance factors were taken in consideration during the survey.
450 voters participated in the survey.
According to the survey Mrs Manigat is leading Michel Martelly by 3% among older voters 50+.
Michel Martelly is very strong among young men and women with 64% among women 18-50 years old and 53% among young men. The upper class in Petion-Ville, Laboule, Montagne Noir, Percy is leaning toward Martelly.
All variances considered with a 5% error margin, Michel Martelly is likely to be the winner of the March 20 presidential election in Haiti.
Despite the increasing crowed of supporters in daily political rally due to the support of the ruling party (INITE) to Mirlande Manigat, Michel Martelly is still leading the race for President by 15% according to the latest poll by Jeune Haiti Magazine, a Boston based publication.
Thank you wapsuiv. Just the other day some intelligent intellectual with probably many diplomas who speak many differenct languages was telling that... more »