Haiti - Elections: The National Spiritual Council of Churches...
Haiti - Elections: The National Spiritual Council of Churches of Haiti supports Martelly
06/03/2011 08:59:50
In a statement posted on the Facebook page of the candidate Martelly, dated March 4, 2011, signed by Bishop Patrick Villiers, President of the National Spiritual Council of Churches of Haiti (CONASPEH) we learn that the Council, on behalf of its 8.000 member churches across the country supports the candidate Michel Martelly.
We are witnessing the last three decades to a collapse of the state authority and a systematic impoverishment of all social strata of the country due to a lack of vision of our traditional leaders allied to a political clan. The time has come to:
- Put an end to the acts of the gravediggers of the country.
- Permanently stop the cascade of failures and of misfortune that fall on the nation.
- Reconciling the Nation, with itself and engage it in the ways of the modernity and social progress.
This is only possible with new people, new skills, full of vision, of conviction and determination in the political scene to restore the Haitian people's pride and dignity.
The Candidate Joseph Michel Martelly responds well to this prototype of leader who could make this change that the Protestant churches wish, this new leader capable to promote the Coexistence among all Haitians in the mutual respect, the solidarity, social justice and gender equity.
The Candidate Joseph Michel Martelly proves able to:
- Fighting the corruption that poisoning our institutions, braking the sustainable development of the nation.
- Pratice the international cooperation in the National Sovereignty and the dignity the Haitian people.
- Fight against delinquency, eliminate unemployment and restore hope to the youth.
- Depoliticise the public administration, religious denominations and to promote equality of opportunity for all public and private Institutions.
Is this why the NATIONAL SPIRITUAL COUNCIL OF CHURCHES OF HAITI, on behalf of its eight (thousand) miles member churches through the ten departments of the country has set his sights on the Candidate Joseph Michel Martelly to become the 56th President of the Republic of Haiti.
The NATIONAL SPIRITUAL COUNCIL OF CHURCHES OF HAITI demand and encourages churches, religious organizations, Haitians citizens to walk in that direction.
Made at Tabarre this March 4, 2011
Bishop Patrick Villiers