This statement is not taken out of context ok. Haitians can...
This statement is not taken out of context ok. Haitians can vote for anyone they feel associated to them. Not because once does not get the vote of the uneducated Haitians that you have to tret them as dogs who could return to their vomits and eat them. No way, Haitians cannot vote for the Manigat people again, and if they are done so they are dog poo eaters ok.
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"Immoral and Terrible Statement" I beg to differ, the...
President Manigat said Haitians are Dog Vomit
Declaration de Lesly Manigat: Les Haitiens Sont Des Vomissements De Chiens Au lendemain de la reelection de Preval en...
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Easy Toulimen, we know how you feel. It is true that...
Dear Toulimen, regardless of what i or you say...
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