Let me start by saying that i am not a fan of Madame Manigat...
- March 4 2011, 4:31 PM
Let me start by saying that i am not a fan of Madame Manigat or MR Martely.
But you yourself wrote that it was Mr Lesly Francois Manigat who said it and not the wife. If we are going to give someone a reason to vote for our candidate let's bring something stronger to the table.
Because my attacking Madame Manigat or by attacking Mr Martely, we are giving ignorant people a reason to be violent.
I am just saying.
President Manigat said Haitians are Dog Vomit
Declaration de Lesly Manigat: Les Haitiens Sont Des Vomissements De Chiens Au lendemain de la reelection de Preval en...
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