Cpt.d, Your point is well taken! what kinda books are you...
Your point is well taken! what kinda books are you referring to exactly?
But, in the scheme of things, can you please tell me where it is written that Sweet Micky and everyone else on the planet "MUST" like books?
Personally my friend, "I HATE BOOKS" with a passion, but does that mean I am against Haitian people going to school and get an education?
I don't think so!
All those years I was going to school, from preschool to college, was reading books day in and day out, and now books make me nauseous.
I will NOT open up a book unless that I really have to.
Sweet Micky or anyone else for that matter has full right to hate books.
But isn't it true Sweet Micky promises a "FREE" education to ALL?
I think that is a very good think for a guy who hates books so much.
Have hate for books doesn't mean you're dumb and stupid, however, I have met a lot of people with a passion and obsession for books, and yet, they are as dumb as dumb can be.
But again, like I said before, I understand why you're so scared of change because we, Haitians, are so used and so comfortable with incompetence and mediocrity it becomes the norm for us. Stop looking at what candidate who can speak better French and who is better educated, and who went to school where.
We've been electing leaders based solely on those criteria since 1804 and look where it has gotten us today.
It just doesn't work.
It is time that we change course and get on a new and different path. Haitians had given a chance to the Manigat family to lead them before and they failed the people miserably.
Haitians have got to stop this political recycling program and start anew. Haitians had recicled Aristide many times, Preval, and many others over and over again and they now want to recycle the Manigat family again.
Are we really a dysfunctional nation incapable to see no further than our noses?
Cpt.d, I respect Mirlande as a person and I admire her education and all. I really believe she is a wonderful wife, a good mother, an excellent grandmother, and a very nice person.
Nevetheless, if you take a closer look at her communication skills and her interaction with the people, you would notice her struggling with some borderline dementia, alzheimer's, and old age syndrom disorder (OASD) well, I made that one up but it fits her well, doesn't it?
This is no time for the old, outdated, Haitian political era anymore.
This is time for change, for new blood, new ideas.
This is the time for the newest generation leaders to be in charge.
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