Mr. Michel Martelly will be the next President of Haiti. I...

Josy - February 25 2011, 4:51 PM

Mr. Michel Martelly will be the next President of Haiti.

I rather deal with him, because of his vision for the country and I do not give a damn about his past. You have educated animals in suits, speaking French, going to church and sitting in the first row, and they are committing atrocities against other human beings.

Mr. Martelly never stole money, or kill other human beings and is an artist.

He put on a show to feed himself, and his family.

We all love it, and had a good life. I also want to say that he is not stupid, and went to an elite school Saint Louis de Gonzague.

He has his own money, and will not be robbing the country.

I usually do not care about Haitian politic, but have a good feeling about Michel Martelly and with Wycleef on board the sky is the limit for our beautiful country.

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