Cpt.d, I would like to know what the d stand for? if it's...
Jean Pierre Alexandre
- February 24 2011, 9:28 AM
Cpt.d, I would like to know what the d stand for?
if it's stand for dick, dummy or dunce.
Listen Cpt, in the 80's i smoke hashish, pot,tomb stone, crack, magic mushroom ect...
Now, i have the best job a man can have in America.
Believe it or not, every F16's, F18'S, F22's(the raptor)F35's, please, plus the rocket tanks of the space shuttles, Boeings millitary and commercial, airbus commercial (i am one of the best thecnicians involve).
Cpt, when you have heart, talent you don't even needs Phd, when you have guts to talk about your past, c'est de la courage mon vieux.
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