I think the haitian government could make a lot of many if...
I think the haitian government could make a lot of many if they put jean claude, jean bertrand and jean rene trial, for their numerous of crimes to include high treason of the constitution, on live cable television.
They could ask 119.99 for the package that would include all 3 trials from begining to end. They would offer an access code to a certain channel that would give you access to the courtrooms and etcetera.
Let us get creative.
Haiti beside all her miseries, has endured the worst natural catastrophe in the in the history of western hemisphere.
By these trials we would have shown to the world what we mean by democratic justice.
Or, we can flapping our gums about this situation or that situation.
To be or not to be. What will it be?
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I bet it will be easier to collect millions to...
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