I might as well make it very very clear as we move ftoward Mar...
I might as well make it very very clear as we move ftoward Mar 20th and April 16th.
Mr. Michel joseph Martelly is already the President who Haiti.
For those of you who are waiting for the April 16th results to see clearly, let me calm your nerves by telling you this truth:
If on April 16th, as a result of some unknown and unforeseen reason the CEP would report Mrs. Mirlande Manigat as the winner, that will still make
Mr. Michel Joseph Martelly the President of the Nation.
A person is what a person is, and that is all there is to it. He is the President of Haiti; whether this is accepted or not, does not make him anything different.
It does not matter what logic is applied in their incapability to see beyond, as they try to smear his beautiful dream for Haiti with their negativity.
But once a beautiful dream for our suffering people is planted in the minds of the youth it can never be uprooted.
The future is always forward and never backward.
The future of Haiti is the youth of Haiti.
The youth should always be careful of what is being presented as immmorality and sins while they suffer under immoral misery created by those who supposed to guide them to a moral life. Dream your dreams of a better day with whom you please, because it is your future and not theirs.
If Michel's patriotic song of Charity and Duty rings in your mind, then let it nurture you to action.
I have often said that reality starts in the minds as a thought followed by words put into actions.
Let us all pray that his dream for our motherland will find the energy in the youth of Haiti to manifest it into reality - no matter how long it takes.
Let us pray that he will endure the turbulence and the personal attacks to stay focus and devoted to his destiny.
I like to believe that the souls of our ancestors and of those who perished during January 12th, 2010 are holding hands, as they pray in tears for Michel to stay focus and devoted to his dream for Haiti; to the honorable task of becoming the Servant of the People as President.
God Bless Michel and his dream.
God bless haiti!