If it is a party, so why the tittle says Micky Campaigning At...
If it is a party, so why the tittle says Micky Campaigning At SOB's - Mirlande Manigat can't touch this. I am for none of them, if you want to enlighten me of certain facts I have no objection about that but I really do understand what does campaign means my brother.One word of advice do not jump so fast to clap for someone you have no idea of what he is capable of doing.
I really do see you are a fanatic of a singer not a president .It is your vote, your right, your constitution do whatever pleases you .No objection." Plenty of times for speeches to clarify his visions...".So you want me to give him my vote before I know what he has in his package for me .You don't sound real my brother.What change does he have to convince me to vote for him and then to keep him accountable in the next five years, and if I have to give him a second term or if I have to call (aba) in the next two years.
Have you heard about 100 days in office?
Every move you make, people are watching .The plans of change need to be in black and white.
From the debate with Manigat, Yvon and so on what did he promise to do for the Country.
Tell me what you are satisfied with so far. Is it enough for you or the country?
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The man was in a party setting and not in church; he...
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VIDEO: Micky Campaigning at SOB's - Mirlande Manigat Can't Touch This!
I don't know Mirlande Manigat very well... BUT I know this... She cannot campaign like Sweet Micky can... LOL Watch this video... [bb] Here is a...
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Max, We all need to read what the words are not...
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