There's no doubt about Micky's gut, those of us who have...
There's no doubt about Micky's gut, those of us who have followed him over the years know that he'll do anything, I repeat anything for money not country
Based on what we've seen so far, some of the arrest record, child support charges and so forth, yes, our friend has more than 1 skeleton.
Pat, the problem is your posts show some inconstitencies, we need decent and competent people to run the country.
Mme Mangat has character and talent Mr Martelly said publicly that he hates books! After Preval we need a responsable and dignify woman to run the country.
Micky president, Black Alex Prime Minister, Tonton Bicha minister of Culture, Coupe Cloue Minister of Sport, God loves them let them run Haiti...Its not that simple...
Haiti must rise up not continue to slip down that dangerous slope.
Last month Mr Lee, a young Republican Congressman freshly elected in NY has to resign after posting top less in an Graiglist add, Bill Clinton almost got impeached in the Monika Lowenski case, Elliot Spitzer Governor of NY had to resign after his affair with a prostitute, Italy's Prime Minister is in serious trouble for his allegde affair with an under age prostitute.
Micky knows that some of us like gabage, would support his nonsense he made a name fooling around, smoking crack, cursing and stripping in public, just to name a few, People in their right mind will not support Micky, rest assure that God will not allow another curse on our nation.
In the mirror I see a nation on their knee interceding for God to spare us from this shame.
Don't you think we have gone too low already! In this particular context Mme Manigat is the best person for the job. I invite the young ladies of this forum to be wise when dating or chosing a man to marry.
Peace be with you May the Lord have mercy on Haiti
Pat, tell me who you hang out I'll tell you are, anyone who honestly want us out of this mess will vote for Mme Manigat.
You said we all have a skeleton in our closet, Mme Mangat is the lesser of the two evils.
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